Monday 16 August 2010

Lighthouses and Seabirds: Weekend Pics

Hello all - a mixed weekend, particularly on the photo front!!! I must have taken about 800 pics and had about 5 decent ones, but im assured thats the way of photography, and in my defence i've had the Canon for less than a month. Anyway Friday evening i headed to Bracelet Bay for some big waves and looking for some dramatic shots. Unfortunately the waves didn't appear with a mere force 4 and an offshore wind. Other members of Swansea Camera club got some great shots leaving yours truly pretty envious. Oh well, i was quite happy with this snap of mumbles lighthouse and the threatening purple sky.

Saturday Stef and I headed off to Clyne woods. A strange day weather wise but it soon opened up and was absolutely glorious. If you park at Derwen Fawr by the tip (glamorous eh!) you can join the woods and follow the beautiful brook that flows up towards killay. Leaving the path we were greeted by this chap - a very healthy looking common frog. The river is beautiful and teh sunspots shining off the water were something else.
Well it was back to work today, and this evening i took a quick stroll around Swansea Bay. The weather was looking iffy but the rain thankfully for me (and the camera) held off. I did manage to get a snap of a Ringed Plover. These small wading birds are most amusing and run hell-for leather across the sand!! You literally see a flash of white underbelly until it stops for literally a second to feed on insects, then off it runs again. They really are super fast and have a lot of character. Apologies for the quality but the little blighter was gone as soon as i get anywhere near it !! Later....Stuart


  1. A Ringed Plover you say! - Great shots in my opinion. Love the sky in the lighthouse shot, together with the angle of the rocks. Keep up the great work!

  2. isn't that lighthouse fantastic?you seem to have an eye for the shots stu to see them ..

  3. Thanks both - i was gutted i couldnt get closer to the ringed plover though!
